Recipe Organizer & Meal Planner

A home for your favourite recipes, from wherever you find them

Available on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, visionOS & watchOS



Simplicity is at the heart of Crouton, but that doesn't stop it being as feature packed as ever!

Weekly Meal Planner

Assign saved recipes to each day of the week so you're never caught unprepared

Recipe Organiser

Store recipes in whatever format suits you. Whether that's a website, photo or just a title

Recipe Scanning

Scan ingredients and steps straight out of your recipe book

Import Recipes from Websites

Automatically import recipe ingredients and steps from copied URLs. Save recipes as fast as you can find them

Recipe Scaling

Scale a recipe's ingredients makes cooking for a larger (or smaller) group very easy!

iCloud Sync

Ensure your recipes are across all of your devices. Sync with your household.

Multiple Timers

Create multiple timers simply by tapping on them within your recipes steps

Measurement Conversion

Quickly convert recipes between metric and imperial.

Auto-generate meal plans

Use your stored recipes to automatically generate meal plans, take the hassle out of meal planning